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Baby it's cold outside.... How to avoid frozen spa pipes.

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Hi Everyone,

If you are like me, you are experiencing near zero temperatures. Please remember to check on your Hot Tub daily during these extreme cold conditions. The harsh temps are really putting a lot of strain on heaters and pumps, forcing them to work harder than normal. Many spas are going down. If you spa goes down, feel free to contact us with any questions or helpful hints, hopefully we can give you the info you need to get up and running or keep it from freezing. Many people make the mistake of just draining their Hot Tub in the cold weather, when it goes down. Just draining is about the worst thing you can do, if you decide to drain the spa, it must be fully winterized, meaning every jet, filter tank, pumps, air injectors, waterfalls must all be properly blown out. If the tempos are below freezing, there may not be enough time to blow out your lines before freezing begins. When customers call us, we always recommend to place a sump or submersible pump, right into the spa and sit it on the floor, fully submerged in the water, with no hose attached. Plug the pump in and let it run 24 hours a day. What it will do is, move your water around constantly, but more importantly, it will actually raise the water temperature atleast 5-10 degrees per day. How does it do that? With the sump pump running 24/7, the pump will start to get hotter and as the water passes through the sump pump, it will start to heat the water gradually. This trick of adding a sump pump, will usually save your spa from frozen pipes. Now, if the pump lines are already frozen, then the damage is likely already done. Goodluck. I hope this handy tip has helped some folks out there.

Happy Hot Tubbin!

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